
Համադպրոցական շարադրությունների մրցույթ 2013
Էդիկ Հաջիկյան
Դպրոց՝ ք. Վանաձորի թիվ 11 ա/դ

Դասարան՝ 12ֆ/մ
My inspiring teacher
I study at seven grade, and have a lot of teachers, different in their style of teaching and methods. It is important for me to have teachers who inspire me and motivate me to study as they are the first people from whom I get my knowledge and learn about different things. Teacher is like a parent, but at school who is a model for us- pupils, and as a young developing and growing person we need to have examples, whom to follow. I have great respect to all my teachers, and I like them all, as I know they put all their efforts in order to bring up an intelligent clever generation and it is not an easy job. But in spite of all my deep respect for all the teachers, there are two teachers who had and have their big role in my life. The very first teacher that we had at school was like our mom- caring, loving, kind and attentive. She was the one who put our very first step in the world of knowledge. It was all her influence and spiritual warmth that made me love the school and the process of learning. As every child I didn't like the school at first. Ms. Poghosyan always wanted the best for us –for her students. She inspired me everyday to go home and study. I always wanted to be in her class and never wanted to miss a lesson, as they all were full of information and fun. She showed that the school is not just sitting and learning subjects that you need, but a place where you get all your necessary skills for your life. She was explaining us the need of every single thing that we learnt and how we can use them in our life and why we need to study hard. I remember her telling us "It doesn't matter how hard is the task or the situation there is always way out .Just sometimes you need to put more efforts in order to get what you want. Sometimes it might be very easy, and sometimes it might be very difficult, but you need to remember that you can do everything and you need to overcome everything." That idea helped me a lot even in sport. There were a lot of situations when I thought that I could not do more or it was not possible for me , but my trainer like my first teacher was saying the same words " You need to work harder and you will. " I might be a sportsman and I might have students who always will need their trainer to encourage them. As we grow we change, we chose subjects that we like more. And now there are several subjects that I like more - English, PC and mathematics. I like my English teacher, who inspires me to learn the language and always motivates me to use the language. Once I was shy to use it, to speak out loudly as I was afraid of making mistakes in my speech. But my teacher encourages me to speak .She always tells us that we learn thanks to our mistakes. That was all her support and hard work that I love learning English and now can express all my ideas in English.