
English lesson

Կրթական 2018-10-26

Today the pupils of the 3rd grade turned angels and came to their English lesson.They were dressed on like angels.The lesson was dedicated to the teaching of the first letter of the 'English Alphabet' to the letter 'Aa'.The pupils showed the guests, what they have learnt during this period, with the help of training-games.Then their teacher taught them the pronounciation,the sounds of the letter 'Aa' and some words which begin with the letter 'Aa' with the help of the video lesson.The aim of the lesson was to develope the creative thought of pupils,that is why the teacher gave chance to the pupils to imagine pictures with the letter 'Aa'.Pupils drew the pictures on the chalkboard.The lesson was summerized with a small performance,where pupils were the letters of the 'English Alphabet' and they gave the letter 'Aa' the title 'The Queen of all the English letters'.

Շիրակ, ք. Գյումրու թիվ 8 մ/դ

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